CW44 Weekly Digest
Table of Contents
This week I mainly focused on offline activities. Weightlifting in particular. But I still have some links to review:
- Choose your topic
- Create a product and sell it
- Advertise yourselve
- Show up in social media
- Take care of yourselve (I mean mentally and physically, you have to be energized)
Actually the most meaningfull things for me right now are about caring, feeling myself with energy and showing up. I have to show up myself regularly. People should know me, know what I’m doing, learning. What’s my hobbies. This pages are all about it.
Stretching for weightlifting
Prep for job interview
Template for Interview Prep (En)
Learning how to Learn
Collect hard problems
- Focus on them
- Question them (ourselve and others)
- Re-solve it once a week even when you feel you don’t need that
It feels like failing.
It feels like the end of the world.
Accept it, embrace it. You'll master it
A. Your brain needs real challenges (well, body too)
B. Your brain needs to know what it doesn’t know (that’s what I’m always talking about, even more… I need to write it down!)
C. Your brain needs questions (so question please, why is this and that)
D. Your brain needs immediate correction (immediate feedback is the key, solving the brand new problem without hints - dead end. So… look at the answers, yep)
E. Your brain needs basics to be autamated
F. Find multiple ways to solve the problem
Example of the Problem Solving blank
(hey, this indeed a really good problem solving technique)
And remember, you could understand anything, given enough time and effort