GDB CheatSheet
Table of Contents
Compile binary with symbols
gcc -ggdb code.c -o code
Compile binary with intel asm
gcc -O1 -S -masm=intel code.c
I’d like to familiar myself with gdb-pwndbg, so this would be my personal small cheatsheet
- Load the binary
gdb-pwndbg ./a.out
file a.out
- Run the program
run par1 par2
run < payload
- Start the program -> will set a breakpoint on the entry point
start par1 par2
- Breakpoints
//set breakpoints
break main
b fibbonacci
//list breakpoints
info b
//unset breakpoints
clear main
delete 3
// disable breakpoint
disable 1
// enable breakpoint
enable 1
//set breakpoint with an address
b *0x555555555 (address)
//set breakpoint with an offset
b *main+140
- Disassemble
disassemble[/m|/r|/s] START [, END]
/s - with source code
/r - with hex code of the asm commands
/m - deprecated
if you want to disassemble function bar in file foo.c
you must type "disassemble 'foo.c'::bar"
// display 10 assembpy instrustions
x/10i $rip
- Print values
// dword ptr [ebp - 0xc]
x $ebp - 0xc <- will print the value in that location
p $ebp - 0xc <- will print an address
see more GDB Cheat sheet -> Browsing data
- Modify values
set *0x555555555 = 1
- Pwndbg
// generate payload
cyclic 100
//check the position of pattern
cyclic -l haaa
- generate payload with python
python2 -c 'print "A" * 28 + "B" * 4 + C" * 32 '